HSPA Policies
Payment & Enrolment Policy
Charges are per term, not per week although they are calculated by the number of active weeks in a term. There are no refunds for students missing lessons due to other activities or illness.
By enrolling with HSPA you enrol for the calendar year, until such time as you withdraw from the class. You will continue to be invoiced each term until you withdraw from class via email. You are liable to pay the term fee if you do not withdraw from a class before the term begins.
In your first week of class you must notify us via email if it is not for you, we will then remove you from the class. Beyond the first week of lesson, students will be expected to pay for the term if no email notification is given.
An $8 administration fee is added to your account if payments are not made by the due date.
Students may not continue in class if they have not paid the previous term's fees.
All bad debts passed on to Baycorp will be liable for the collection costs incurred, after all reasonable notifications have been sent.
Students may be photographed or filmed in class or performance by staff or professionals on behalf of the school. These images may be used for promotional purposes in publication, on our website and in social media platforms. They may also be shared within the school community.
If you do not wish you child's image to be shared, please email Dale@hspa.co.nz to let us know. This way we will make note of this on you child's profile.
HSPA and it's tutors are not liable for injury to students during their performing arts lessons. These are by nature, physical classes, students may come into contact with each other and the tutor during the course of the class. Staff will take all reasonable care to ensure safe practice as set out in our H&S plan, and offer basic First Aid care as needed.
Social Media Policy
We expect everyone associated with HSPA to conduct themselves with respect and kindness on all social media platforms.
Students of HSPA should avoid:
Posts that associate HSPA with negative, illegal or contentious subject matter.
Posts that are unkind towards others in your HSPA whanau.
Sharing images or personal information of other HSPA students on social media without their express permission.
Students who take on roles of responsibility within HSPA should also avoid:
Posts that support illegal practices, display negative attitudes or contentious subjects.
Posts that do not display respectful and positive role modelling.
Failure to follow these guidelines can lead to dismissal from HSPA as our reputation and the mental health of our wider HSPA community is very important to us.
2024 Fees
This year fee s are losyed inclusive of GST (Previously they have been listed eclusive of GST and GST has been added ad an additional charge)
Costs reflect thestudent - teacher ratio in the lesson, and the options available to those in the class.
All fees can be found on oour Classes page here: Classes
Double Deal - 10% discount off total fees for taking 2 classes per student.
Triple Threat - 15% discount off total fees for taking 3 or more classes per student
Production costs
A $21 costume fee is payable for all students participating in an HSPA production.
Exams & Exam classes
These come at an extra cost set by the examining bodies (Trinity College, NZAMD & DNZM) each year.
PLEASE NOTE: Students entered for exams will be required to attend exam prep classes at an additional cost. These classes are compulsory.
Please find our handbook below