
Term Four is open for Enrolment

Term Four 2024 Dates -Monday 14 October - Monday 9 December

We accept enrollments until Sunday 27 October

YES YOU CAN TRIAL:  To trial a class, please register for the class by clicking below and signing up,  then come along and try your first lesson.  

If it isn't right for you, just let us know by the end othe week you trialled and we will remove you from the class.  

If you do not notify us that you wish to be removed from the class by the end of the week you trial, you will be liable for the term fees !

All Classes held at our premises: 62 Ashley Street, Rangiora.

2024 Prices are listed here at a per/week rate and they now include GST.   (This is why they will look higher this year as we previously have not listed the GST component!!) 

They are payable on a Term Invoice but can be paid in installments.  

These classes are eligible for WINZ funding.  We are happy to work with clients to invoice relevent agencies on your behalf.

Preschool Option

Preschool New Entrant Combo  Age: 4 - 6yrs.  

Class Time Tuesday 3.30-4.10pm

(Price $17.50) 6-8 Students per class

These classes cover creativity, communication, poetry, characterization, physicality, simple singing and music among other things and are very popular. The small classes are aimed at helping young children adapt to a classroom environment and being able to share their ideas, work creatively with others, have confidence to speak up, engage with music and song and communicate clearly. This is also a popular class at channelling energy from bright and energetic youngsters who need an outlet as well as recognition for their creative flare. The students all get to take part in our Major Production as part of their class

Junior & Upper Junior Drama

Junior Drama Age 6-9yrs.  

Class Times Monday 4.30 - 5.30pm, Tuesday 4.30-5.30pm, Wednesday  3.30-4.30pm,

Upper Junior Drama Age 9-11yrs.  

Class Times Monday 5.30-6.30pm, Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm, Thursday 4.30-5.30pm or Friday 4.30-5.30pm

(Price $21) Up to 8 Students per class

Our Junior and Upper Junior drama classes cover creativity, communication, poetry, characterisation among other things and are very popular. The classes are small so there is lots of individual attention.  As they grow they can opt to sit Trinity College speech or communication exams and enter the ChCh speech and drama competitions.  The students all get to take part in our Major Production as part of their class and can audition for extra parts also.

Intermediate & Senior Drama

Intermediate Drama  Age 11-13yrs. 

Class Times Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm , Thursday5.30-6.30pm or Friday 3.30-4.30pm or 5.30-6.30pm

(Price $22.50) Up to 6 Students per class

Students learn basics of voice production, improvisation and stage skills. The classes are small so there is lots of individual attention. They take part in our Major production as part of their class and can audition for extra parts also. They compete in our annual Theatre Sports Competition, the Speech & Drama competitions and can sit Trinity College Exams at the end of the year.  All classes place a focus on creativity, confidence and communication.

Senior Drama  Age 13-15yrs. 

Class Times: Tuesday 4.30-5.30pm or 5.30-6.30pm, or Wednesday 6.30-7.30pm 

(Price $24) Up to 6 Students per class

These classes build on skills in Improvisation, Acting and Speaking. The classes are small so there is lots of individual attention. Students work on poetry, prose and plays, take part in our Theatre sports and Major Senior Production as part of their class and they can audition for extra parts as well.  All classes include background theory necessary for Trinity College exams and place importance on personal growth as well as stage skills being gained.

Advanced and Private Drama

Advanced Senior Drama  Age 15-18yrs.  

Class Times Mondays,  Wednesdays, Thursdays  and Fridays Various times.

(Price $29)

1hr long Trios or 40min Pairs lessons designed to focus on each students’ strengths and weaknesses in Speech, Communication, Acting  and Theatre Skills.  All advanced seniors can take part in our Major production as part of a show class and can audition for extra parts also. Students can attend specialty classes as part of their course, sit Trinity College exams to Diploma level, present work in Senior Recitals and gain experience teaching and directing.   These are lessons which cater to the specific goals of the students.

Private Half Hour Drama Classes  Various times available, please enquire.

(Price $37 )

These private sessions are designed to focus on the students’ personal strengths and weaknesses in Speech, Communication, Acting  and Theatre Skills. Students can opt to sit Trinity College exams to Diploma level, present work in our Recitals and opt to audition for roles in our Major Productions.  These are lessons which cater to the specific goals of the student, they can be booked across a term or individually as students require.  Please email to enquire.

Junior Glee

Combined Junior Glee Club Singing - Age 5-9yrs. Class Time Thursday 3.45-4.30pm 

(Price $14)

An introduction to music and voice.  This is not your average Choir, the kids learn musicality, technique and breathing all with fun songs they know staged and performed.  The year includes being part of the Major Production as well as other recital opportunities.

Intermediate & Senior Glee

Intermediate Glee Club Singing - Age 10-13yrs. 

Class Time Friday 4.30-5.30pm 4.30-5.30pm

(Price $15.50)

Designed to build confidence and teach good vocal skills in breathing, technique, harmony singing as well as some solo performance.  This is a fun and up-beat group using songs the kids know, set to choreographed movement.  Student get the chance to perform at local events and be part of the Major Senior Production.  Experience with radio and hand held microphones and solo singing is included.

Senior Singing Group  - Age 13-18yrs. Friday 5.30-6.30pm

(Price $16.50)

A young adult singing group with a strong focus on vocal skill and musicality.  Students continue to learn and improve their technique and ear for harmonies and musical dynamics.  Student get the chance to perform at local events and be part of the Major Senior Production.  Experience with radio and hand held microphones and solo singing is included.

Private Singing

Private Singing Lessons.- Weekdays at various times.

(Price: Solo Half Hour - $37   As part of a pair - $22.50 .  Solo 45min for Seniors $53)

Half hour sessions For solo singers who wish to fine tune their technique and improve their range and singing style.  Can be taken as a solo lesson or as a pair, sharing the cost with another.  Excellent when paired with membership in one of our Glee groups where you will get to use the skills you build.  Involvement with Major production if you wish and exams available as an option.  Senior Exam students must take a 45min slot.

Tap Dance

Beginner Tap - Ages 5-yrs +. Monday 4.15-5pm (Price $15.50)

Intermediate Tap - Ages 7yrs+.  Friday 3.45-4.30pm (Price $16.50)

Senior Tap -Ages 10yrs+. Friday 6.30-7.30pm (Price $17.50

Our tap classes focus on tap technique, rhythms and expressions, following the lines of traditional American and English styling, but also incorporating our own HSPA flair. Our younger tap classes use listening to identify patterns and rhythms, focusing on beats and strength, whilst our intermediate and senior classes work on building ankle strength, learning time-steps and shuffling patterns, and working at a moderate to high pace to complete sections. Tap is examined through NZAMD and perform in our annual show. 

Please note these classes are based on ability rather than age.  The teacher will help new students to discover the level they should start at.

Jazz Dance

Junior Foundation Jazz Class - Ages 5-8yrs. Wednesday 3.45-4.30pm (Price $15.50)

An introduction dance class designed to teach all of the basics of dance to set your young ones up to pursue Jazz, Hip Hop or Contemporary Dance.  The Exams are in Jazz because this syllabus represents the most versatile and all encompassing syllabus from which to spring into other dance forms.  This is the class for your young dancer who is not quite sure which style of dance they wish to be doing just yet.  These classes are examined through Dance NZ Made (DNZM) once a year, and perform in our annual show. 

Intermediate  Jazz - Ages 9-12yrs Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm ($16.50)

Senior Jazz - Ages 12-18yrs. Wednesday 5.30-6.30pm (Price $17.50)

Our Musical theatre Jazz sessions are fast-paced, busy classes which work on many of the principles of dance including pointing, line-work and crossing the midline (at a junior level) and flexibility, leaps and turns (at a senior level). We work on a form of Jazz dance most useful for Musical Theatre.  These classes are examined through NZAMD Jazz syllabus once a year, and perform in our annual show. 

Hip Hop Dance

Junior Hip Hop - Ages 5-8yrs. Thursday 3.45-4.30pm (Price $15.50)

Upper Junior Hip Hop - Ages 8-10yrs. Thursday 4.30-5.15pm(Price $15.50)

Intermediate Hip Hop - Ages 10-13yrs. Thursday 5.15-6.15pm (Price $16.50)

SeniorHip Hop Ages 12-18yrs. Monday 7.30-8.30pm (Price $17.50)

Advanced Hip Hop (For more experienced dancers) - Ages 12-18yrs. Monday 8.30-9.30pm (Price $19.50)

Our Hip Hop classes are a combination of modern, world-inspired hip hop and 'old skool' styles, drawing from the many sub-genres of hip hop including tutting and poly-swag. In class, we look at strength, grounding and balance, along with the core HSPA principles of gaining confidence and having fun. Our choreography and music choices vary depending on what we are working on term-to-term, and are always child-friendly. In the past, our Hip Hop students have performed and competed at various events locally. These classes are examined through Dance NZ Made (DNZM) once a year, and perform in our annual show. 

Contemporary Dance

Upper Junior Contemporary - Ages 8-10yrs. 

Tuesday 3.45-4.30pm ( $15.50)

Intermediate Contemporary - Ages 11-13yrs. Tuesday  4.30-5.30pm ($16.50)

Senior Contemporary - Ages 12-18yrs. 

Tuesday 5.30-6.30 (Price $17.50)

Advanced Senior Contemporary (For more experienced dancers) -Ages 12-18yrs 

Tuesday 6.30-7.30pm (Price $19.50)

A newer form of dance, our contemporary classes are lyrical and modern. This genre works with unusual timings and is very expressive. Contemporary dance traditionally asks students to dance outside the box; incorporating floorwork, rolls, leaps and turns. We aim to teach the fundamentals of flexibility training, ensuring this is done safely. These classes are examined through Dance NZ Made (DNZM) once a year, and perform in our annual show. 

Commercial Dance

Commercial Dance - Ages 13yrs+

Class Time Monday 6.30-7.30pm  (Price $17.50)

Focused at seniors and pre professionals wanting to go into the industry. 

Designed to improve a dancers ability to pick up routines quickly as well as introduce them to new styles.  Every second session you will start on new fast paced trendy choreography then polish to a professional standard the following week. Options to get a creative video of the dance at the end of class!

This class will perform in our Annual Senior  Show.

Technique & Private Classes

Senior Refine Dance Technique/Acro - Ages 12-18yrs 

Class Time Monday 5.45-6.30pm (Price $15)

A companion class for anyone taking a dance class and wishing to excel in their dance.  Focus on building strength, balance, working on technique for turns and leaps and anything that the dancers in the classes require to improve their performance on stage and in exams.  This class also includes elements of acro dance.

Private Dance Lessons.Monday or Tuesday evenings

(Price: Solo - $37   As part of a pair -$22.50 )

Half hour sessions For solo dancers who wish to fine tune their technique, focus on specifics, and improve their dance generally.  Can be taken as a solo lesson or as a pair, sharing the cost with another.  Excellent when paired with membership in one of our dance groups where you will get to use the skills you build.  

Taken by Madison Tull or Ava Berry.

Dance for the Differently Abled

Mixed discipline dance class - 12yrs - adult

Class time Monday 2-3pm (Final 15mins optional stretch and cool down)

(Price 16.50)

This is a class for those who would love to have a go at dance with the opportunity to perform if they wish. The class will focus on a variety of dance styles an work on fun routines to a range  of music. The choice of music & style will be led by the students, with their preferences and needs in mind.  

With an open age range, this class would suit anyone with a disability.  Carers welcome at no cost. Because it is a mixed  dance style just come in your comfy clothes and either barefoot or smooth soled street sneakers and learn to dance!!

Junior Musical Theatre

Junior Musical Theatre Class Ages 6-10yrs

Class Time: Mondays  3.30-4.15pm

(Price: $14)

Primary aged combo class for students wishing to try their hand and drama, singing and dance in one fun class.  The perfect companion class for students who already study one discipline and would like some exposure to the other genres to build their confidence in preparation for auditioning and taking part in our annual Musical Theatre shows.  Trinity Musical Theatre Exam options.  This class will perform  in the Junior Show.

Intermediate Musical Theatre

Intermediate Musical Theatre Class Ages 10-13yrs 

Class Time Wednesday 6.45-7.45pm

(Price: $15.50)

Intermediate aged combo class for students wishing to try their hand and drama, singing and dance in one fun class.  The perfect companion class for students who already study one discipline and would like some exposure to the other genres to build their confidence in preparation for auditioning and taking part in our annual Musical Theatre shows.  Trinity Musical Theatre Exam options.  This class will perform  in the Intermediate /Senior Show.

Senior Musical Theatre

Senior Musical Theatre Class Ages 14+  

Class Time Wednesday 7.45-9pm

(Price: $16.50)

Intermediate & High School combo class for students wishing to try their hand and drama, singing and dance in one fun class.  The perfect companion class for students who already study one discipline and would like some exposure to the other genres to build their confidence in preparation for auditioning and taking part in our annual Senior Musical Theatre show.  Trinity Musical Theatre Exam options.  This class will perform in the Intermediate /Senior Show.

Open Theatresports Class

Open Theatresports Group Ages 16yrs+

Class time: Mondays 6.30-7.30pm

(Price $15)

A group class where students learn the pricipals of Theatresport through a series of fun theatre games.  Building skills in teamwork, acceptance of ideas, inclusivity, confidence to share, creativity and all round fun.  No offer is wrong, no idea is turned away, this is all about having a go in a fun and supportive environment.  If you have ever been to Court Theatre's Scared Scriptless or watch a Busker create theatre from their audience's ideas, this is what you will learn in HSPA's Theatre Sports Class.  

Taught by Court Theatre trained 'Jester' performer Bryony Jamison